
As a starting point, the Union is focused on establishing and maintenaning the appropriate educational and professional standards in the profession. We started from the root, so our cooperation with maritime universities and other educational institutions is of great importance, as we are trying to improve the education system in order to raise and maintain high professional standard in the field. Maritim High School, any maritime colleges and training centers are the backbone of the maritime system, so we set the goal of encouraging and supporting the quality of education, firstly by looking up on global trends in the training of seafarers, enriching our system with these new information.

Also, one of our primary missions is a close cooperation with system institutions, government departments and the rest of establishement dealing with legal and other aspects related to maritime affairs, such is the responsible Ministry or the Port Authority. Our mission is to raise the level of our influence and our voice in public and private institutions. What we want is to improve the quality of functioning of our rights (and obligations), as well as the services that provide easier functioning to seafarers.

One example of our specific goals is definitely a need to improve, and implement those improvements into custom made services offered by commercial banks in Montenegro. In addition to individual negotiations with their representatives, the Union is already working on how to arrange the best possible conditions for its members.

We live at seas and sail the whole world - in the light of this, the Union is engaged in efforts to complete the implementation of international regulations and conventions, thus harmonizing domestic government laws and regulations (related to the maritime economy) - and all that is done in order to prevent undesirable consequences for seafarers in terms of blocking certificates, employment and similar unconviniences.

As we all know from experience how important solidarity is when at sea, a large part of our goals and activities is dedicated to humanitarian work, first of all problems concerning the seafarers but also those concerning people and institutions in our environment. Therefore, we will always work on launching humanitarian actions and initiazing donation projects to institutions and disadvantaged individuals.

With the same motif, the Union is working on an efficient and fast information network, providing useful facts to all seafarers as soon as possible. Our goal is to organize quick and automatic update of all information regarding education, training, professional exams for acquiring additional authorizations, and any other questions about the business, as well as to facilitate the exchange of ideas in the maritime sphere (those concerning logistics or related to progression in nautical science and modern technology).

The thing we would like to draw special attention to, is the unchangable fact that the Union is not allowed, directly or indirectly, to participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or against any candidate for public office. It also does not intend to enter into political associations, working in favor of any political party or religious institution or to cooperate with any other organization that was formed by or is dependent by those named above.